Unrestricted Report


Application No.



Binfield With Warfield

Date Registered:

13 May 2021

Target Decision Date:

12 August 2021

Site Address:

Land North Of Tilehurst Lane and West Of South Lodge Tilehurst Lane Binfield Bracknell Berkshire


Submission of reserved matters application to outline planning permission 17/01174/OUT for the approval of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the erection of 40 dwellings including 10 affordable dwellings, together with the provision of parking, landscaping and drainage attenuation features, with access from Tilehurst Lane.


Mr Keir Price


(There is no agent for this application)

Case Officer:

Jo Male, 01344 352000



Site Location Plan  (for identification purposes only, not to scale)

 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Bracknell Forest Borough Council 100019488 2004





































1.       SUMMARY


1.1     This is a reserved matters application submitted pursuant to outline planning         permission 17/01174/OUT.  This permission, granted on appeal, permitted the      erection of 40 dwellings, including 10 affordable units, together with the provision      of       parking, a play area, landscaping and an attenuation pond, with access from          Tilehurst Lane. This reserved matters application considers the scale, layout,           appearance and landscaping of the proposed dwellings.

1.2     The proposed layout is considered to be acceptable in terms of the development’s         impact on the character of the area.  Revisions have been secured to ensure that the         layout is more informal, responding to the semi-rural context of the site and allowing       for tree planting within the streetscene. These amendments are also considered to      be more sympathetic to the setting of adjoining Listed Buildings.


1.3     The scale and appearance of the dwellings are considered appropriate to the local         character and parking has been provided to meet adopted     standards.

1.4     A landscape masterplan has been submitted that provides for the landscaping of the      site and the retention of mature trees on the site boundaries. 




Planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Section 11 of this report





2.1     The application has been reported to the Planning Committee because it has received   more than 5 objections.







Site lies beyond the 5km buffer to the Thames Basin Heaths SPA



3.1     The application site extends 3.21ha and comprises undeveloped grassland divided        into three grazing paddocks, located on the northern side of Tilehurst Lane. The land originally formed part of the parkland to Binfield Park, a Grade II* Listed Building,         which is located to the north of the site. To the north-west lies a further paddock, and     to the west lies an area of woodland associated with the Park Lodge Day Nursery        which is located at the junction of Tilehurst Lane and Terrace Road North. There is a     fall across the application site of approximately 13m in a north-west to south-east       direction.


3.2     The site's southern boundary with Tilehurst Lane is characterized by a verge and ditch with tree and shrub planting which extends into the site.  Immediately adjacent to     the    site's eastern boundary is a cattery and the Grade II listed South Lodge, together with entrance gate piers which are also associated with Binfield Park and which are Grade II listed.


3.3     The site is located within the countryside immediately adjacent to the settlement   boundary of Binfield as identified on the Bracknell Forest Borough Policies Map         (2013). This also identifies Tilehurst Lane as part of the Binfield Bridleway Circuit.


3.4     The site is located beyond the 5km buffer to the Thames Basin Heaths SPA and it         was accepted at outline application stage that, given the scale of the development, it          would not, either individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the     conservation objectives of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.





4.1     In 2017 an outline planning application (17/01174/OUT) was submitted proposing the    erection of forty houses, including 10 affordable houses together with provision of        parking, a play area, landscaping and an attenuation pond, with access from     Tilehurst Lane. This application was refused however was ultimately allowed on appeal (ref: APP/R0335/W/19/3228697) following a public inquiry. The permission was granted subject to conditions which included securing the provision of a ‘heritage      park’ on the site’s western side which would provide publicly accessible open space.        


          Details of recent applications relating to the site are set out below:


          19/00213/COND - Details pursuant to condition 26 (Heritage Park) of planning      permission 17/01174/OUT in relation to appeal reference APP/R0335/W/19/3228697. Approved.


    21/00006/COND Details pursuant to Condition 22 (Archaeological Evaluation) of   planning permission 17/01174/OUT (Permission granted on Appeal Ref. APP/R0335/W/19/3228697). Approved.


    21/00014/COND Details pursuant to condition 7 (Tree Protection) of planning        permission 17/01174/OUT (Appeal Ref: APP/R0335/W/19/3228697). Approved.


    21/00037/COND Details pursuant of to Condition 19 (Updated Ecological     Appraisal)   of planning permission 17/01174/OUT (Appeal Ref: APP/R0335/W/19/3228697). Approved.


    21/00089/COND Details pursuant to Conditions 4 (Finished Floor Levels), 11 (Site         Organisation), 12 (Working Method Statement), 14 (Biodiversity Enhancements), 18 (Newt Mitigation Measures), 23 (Surface Water Drainage       Scheme), 24 (Drainage          Strategy) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT (Appeal      Ref:   APP/R0335/W/19/3228697). Pending decision.


    22/00008/COND Details pursuant to condition 15 (works to trees in bird nesting    season) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT. Approved.





5.1     This reserved matters application provides details of the scale, layout,          appearance and landscaping of 40 dwellings following the grant of planning          permission 17/01174/OUT. 


5.2     The proposed dwellings are located on the lower, more easterly part of the site     consistent with the indicative layout considered at outline stage. The rising ground on       the site’s western and north-western side has been secured as an area of public open      space, known as the ‘Heritage Park’ under the terms of the outline permission and     details of its layout and landscaping have already been approved pursuant to a           condition of the outline permission.


5.3     The approved vehicular access to the site, is from a point just east of Pound Place         which is located on the southern side of Tilehurst Lane, with pedestrian access points        and associated crossings, being approved at each end of the site’s road frontage.      The installation of these access points will require some removal of the existing          hedgerow along Tilehurst Lane and its ‘facing back’ in order to achieve the required         visibility splays, a consequence of the development considered acceptable by the           Inspector. The remainder of the hedge would be retained and a footway provided within the site’s boundary, linking the 2no. pedestrian access points and providing       links through to the public open space.


5.4     The proposed plans show an exclusively two storey development, comprising a mix       of detached, semi-detached and terrace units as well as a small apartment block at          the eastern end of the site. SuDS features are shown in the form of swales adjacent     to the footway along the site’s frontage and in its south-eastern corner.


5.5     Parking is shown on curtilage, some within garages, or within small parking courts,        some of which include open car ports. Ten visitor parking spaces are provided throughout the development.


5.6     A detailed scheme for both soft and hard landscaping has been submitted including       details of boundary treatments.





    Binfield Parish Council:

6.1     Binfield Parish Council’s response in relation to the application as originally submitted    indicated that they wished to register the following OBSERVATIONS:


          • There are concerns over the site layout with a lack of green area for the affordable       housing, which have the smaller gardens, with the central green being located by the larger properties with large gardens;

          • The affordable housing is grouped together in one corner of the site rather than distributed across the site;

          •  There is a lack of suitable boundary treatment to the north of the site – would     expect this to be a minimum of a 1.8m closed board fence to protect the privacy of the neighbouring properties.

          • Concerns about the adequacy of the drainage for the site due to a lack of a detailed     drainage plan and this leads to concerns that this development will exacerbate          flooding already present along Tilehurst Lane.

          • Visitor parking is not well distributed across the site.

          • Would like to see conditions in place to protect the well established hedgerows (in       front of the swale) and ensure this remains well looked after for biodiversity and not       just screening.


6.2     Binfield Parish Council were re-consulted on the amended plans and responded:


          Binfield Parish Council has no further comment to make on this application but are         satisfied that some of their earlier comments have been addressed.


    Representations from Members of the Public


6.3     Nine letters of representation have been received, 8 of which object to the scheme,        and 1 which makes more general observations.


          The objection letters raise the following material considerations:


·         Insufficient/inappropriate parking provision, including lack of visitor provision, across the site

·         Over intensive use of site with excessive number of cars and traffic movements onto Tilehurst Lane

·         Inadequate green space/park for residents

·         Use of Tilehurst Lane, Terrace Road North and mini-roundabout at their junction with Stevenson Drive by HGVs will pose threat to highway safety

·         Applicant’s statement argues that dwellings will read as an ‘Estate development with a strong association with Binfield Park’ however development has no association with Binfield Park and will be detrimental to its landscape setting

·         Planning Statement refers to opportunities for views over existing Binfield Park landscape but this will lead to a loss of privacy to The Walnut Tree and The Old Orangery

·         Loss of privacy to occupiers of The Walnut Tree from footpath adjacent to Plot 1

·         Vehicle movements causing highway danger

·         Insufficient boundary screening along sites northern edge

·         Concern about future maintenance of approved fencing or planting

·         Concern about loss of hedgerow along Tilehurst Lane which should be kept to a minimum

·         Inaccuracies in applicant’s statement.


6.4     The observations made question whether this plan for development has already been    debated; make a comment on whether the Council is prepared to destroy remaining    trees and countryside so that Binfield ultimately becomes a suburb of Bracknell; and          states that an argument that housing is urgently required would be better made if the   development was for 40 affordable dwellings.





    Highway Officer

    No objection subject to conditions.


    Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA)

    Conditions on the outline permission require the submission and approval of a      drainage scheme for the site, however the scale and siting of the required SuDS features have implications for the layout of the development. The Council’s Drainage Consultant has confirmed that the SuDS features shown on the submitted plans are appropriately sized and located.


    Urban Design Officer

    Supports the application subject to the resolution of a number of issues relating to          landscaping and boundary screening which have been addressed through the        submission of revised plans.


Historic England

No comments made. Recommends seeking views of Council’s own conservation and    archaeological advisors. [Officer Note: Archaeology was considered at outline stage, with a condition requiring further archaeological investigation being imposed and        subsequently discharged under application ref: 21/00006/COND]. 


Heritage Advisor

The amendments to the proposed layout and detailing of houses closest to the Listed South Lodge are considered to be more sympathetic to the setting of the Listed Buildings. These changes, which in combination with the use of good quality materials, when submitted, would be considered more appropriate to the setting of the Listed Buildings and there are no further comments.


Waste and Recycling Officer

The bin store for flats 37-40 is large enough for the bins required.  All other properties    must present bins to the nearest adopted road or RCP on collection day and stored within the property boundary at all other times.


    Affordable Housing

    Housing mix of affordable units is acceptable.


    Parks and Countryside Manager

   Raised concern in relation to original submission which showed back garden         boundaries facing onto pedestrian route, changing its character, removing     surveillance and increasing risk of low quality maintenance of vegetation. [Planning      Officer note: These concerns have been addressed in amended plans].


    Landscape Officer

    Principal of landscaping scheme acceptable and although native trees and hedges        indicated along the site boundaries the rest of the planting palette is very   ornamental. Amendments requested to ensure that proposed planting reflects edge of    settlement location within the countryside.


    Biodiversity Officer

    Raised concerns about non-native planting, lack of mammal access points within fences, and proposed location of log piles for reptiles and amphibians. These issues    have been addressed on the amended landscape plans.





8.1      The Development Plan for the Borough includes the following:


          Site Allocations Local Plan (2013) (SALP)

          Core Strategy Development Plan Document (2008) (CSDPD)

          ‘Saved’ Policies of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan (2202) (BFBLP)

          ‘Retained’ Policies of the South East Plan (2009) (SEP)

          Bracknell Forest Policies Map (2013)


          The application site also lies within the designated Binfield Neighbourhood Plan area             such that the Binfield Neighbourhood Plan (2016) also applies.






9.1     The key issues for consideration are:

    i. Principle of Development

    ii. Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area.

    iii. Heritage Impact

    iv. Impact on Highway Safety

    v. Impact on Residential Amenity

    vi. Landscaping and Trees

    vii. Biodiversity

    viii. Drainage

    ix. Waste

    x. Affordable Housing

    xi. CIL



    i. Principle of Development


9.2     The principle of the development has been established under the outline planning          permission 17/01174/OUT. This determined the issue of access only. The approved      access arrangements show the creation of a new access onto Tilehurst Lane just      south-east of the junction with Pound Place and the provision of 2no. pedestrian access points from the site onto Tilehurst Lane which would be provided with           crossing points to the existing footpath on the southern side of Tilehurst Lane. An extract of the plan showing the approved access arrangements is provided below:




9.3     This reserved matters application submits details of the scale, layout, appearance          and landscaping of the development and the acceptability of each is considered in       the following sections.


ii.       Impact on Character and Appearance of the Area


9.4     Policy CS7 of the CSDPD seeks a high quality of design for all development in      Bracknell Forest. This should be achieved by building upon the local character,     respecting local patterns of development and enhancing the landscape.



9.5     The scale of the development is consistent with the outline permission which granted     consent for forty houses including ten affordable houses. Despite the description of        the development as houses, the indicative layout considered by the Inspector    included a small block of flats at the southern end of the site. The reserved matters   application is consistent with this approach, proposing a total of 40no. dwellings, to           be provided in a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced units together with a        small block of 4no. flats one of which would be wheelchair accessible. The       development would be a maximum of two storeys throughout.


9.6     The mix of the proposed development is set out below and it is compared with the          indicative layout considered at appeal.


Indicative Appeal Scheme

Reserved Matters Application





2 x 1 bed flats

4 x 1bed flats


4 x 1 bed flats

9 x 2 bed houses

1 x 2bed flat


1 x 2bed flats

12 x 3 bed houses

2 x 2 bed houses

11 x 2 bed house

2 x 2 bed houses

3 x 4 bed houses

2 x 3 bed houses

12 x 3 bed house

2 x 3bed houses

4 x 5 bed houses

1 x 4 bed house

7 x 4 bedroom

1 x 4 bed house



9.7     The character of development within Tilehurst Lane is predominantly two storey and      it is considered that the scale of the development and mix of units proposed is    appropriate and respects the local pattern of development.



9.8     The layout shown on the submitted plans broadly reflects that of the indicative layout     considered by the Inspector.



Indicative Layout considered at Appeal




Proposed Layout


9.9     The main access road extends across the depth of the site, providing views           through to the belt of trees which form part of the landscape setting to Binfield Park     and which are located beyond the site’s northern boundary. Shared access drives         are provided to east and west of this central road and allow more informal treatment         of the road surfacing and maximise the potential for greening and tree planting within          the streetscene.


9.10   A footway is shown across the frontage of the site, set back behind the retained    hedgerow and linking the 2no. pedestrian access points onto Tilehurst Lane which       were approved at outline stage, with an internal path that provides access to the ‘heritage park’ to the north-east of the housing, an area of public open space to     serve the development and the wider community.


9.11   Amendments to the layout have been secured in order to ensure that the majority of      dwellings face onto this pedestrian access, providing surveillance and ensuring the    development has an appropriate relationship with the site’s frontage to Tilehurst          Lane.


9.12   The small block of apartments at the site’s eastern end is linked by a unit above a          central archway to a pair of semi-detached properties. It has been sited so as to conclude the view down the east-west axis and its elevational treatment provides      visual interest in concluding this vista.


9.13   Immediately to its south, is the attenuation pond, a SuDS feature required by the drainage strategy approved at outline stage. At the time of the appeal, the indicative       layout showed the pond stretching across the depth of the site at its southern end,         with development to its west, adjacent to the Grade II Listed lodge. Detailed drainage      information submitted pursuant to conditions of the outline permission have facilitated    a redesign of the drainage scheme resulting in swales being located along the site’s           southern edge close to the houses and within the south-eastern corner of the site at       the point closest to the curtilage of this Listed Building. The retention of this area as   undeveloped land, is considered to improve the relationship between the built form     and this heritage asset.


9.14   As originally submitted, the proposed layout was considered to be too formal for this      edge of settlement site and amendments were sought to ensure that the layout was more organic and informal in order that it respond more appropriately to the semi- rural context of the site. The layout and grain of the development now appears less      suburban and the road layout and use of shared surfaces allows for tree planting      within the streetscene. The Urban Design Officer has confirmed that she is now    generally supportive of the scheme and the layout of the development is considered   acceptable.



9.15   The design of the units is traditional employing pitched roofs and simple gable      features. Many have porches or chimney features and architectural detailing is provided by projecting elements, quoins and soldier coursing. A number of units          located in visually significant locations along the site’s main access road or adjacent to the proposed footway are dual or triple aspect in order to provide appropriate           surveillance and visual interest within the streetscene.




Example of dwelling at site entrance (Plot 14)








Example of semi-detached dwellings (Plots 22 and 23)




Plots 34 – 39 (Plots 36, 38 and 39 Affordable).


9.16 Materials are noted within the design statement as being brick with tile roofs, and with   some units employing vertical tile hanging or timber boarding. In response to         comments made by the Urban Design Officer, the use of render has been removed    from the scheme. The houses would be traditionally detailed with cills and heads to windows and the car barns would be timber clad. No details of the proposed           materials have been submitted and this matter can be dealt with by means of a     condition.


9.17   The proposal is considered to be of an appropriate layout, scale and appearance to be sympathetic to the character and appearance of the area and therefore comply with   Policy CS7 of the CSDPD and EN20 of the BFBLP.



    iii. Heritage Impact

9.18   The development of the application site has the potential to impact upon the          significance of designated heritage assets as a result of development within their       setting, including the Grade II* Binfield Park and Grade II Listed South Lodge and the          adjacent Grade II Listed Entrance Piers. This issue was considered by the Inspector when allowing the appeal who also considered the impact of the development on the         significance of the site which forms part of the former parkland to Binfield Park as a        non-designated heritage asset.


9.19   In allowing, the development, the Inspector concluded that the development would be    harmful to the heritage significance of Binfield Park, South Lodge and Gate Piers,     Western Gate Piers and the former parkland, however that when applying the        ‘heritage balance’ set out in the NPPF, the public benefits of the scheme outweighed         the harm identified.


9..20  Whilst the principle of development within the setting of the aforementioned listed buildings has therefore been established and a level of harm to the significance of    the heritage assets accepted, the current application has been assessed in terms of     any particular impact on these assets resulting from the scale, appearance or layout of the proposed development.


9.21   Historic England were consulted in respect of the proposal, given its potential impact     upon a Grade II* Listed Building however made no comments. The Council’s    Heritage Advisor, initially raised concerns in respect the rigid, suburban form of the     layout which failed to respond to the historical context and character of the site and     to the utilitarian design of those units closest to South Lodge which were considered           unsympathetic to the setting of this listed building. However, in relation to the revised     plans the Heritage Advisor confirms:


          ‘The amended site layout plans have been amended to include a less rigid and     formal layout on ….. This has included a more sinuous appearance to the street         layout, less regular locations for the housing along the streets, and changes to the      design of the units at the eastern end closest to the Listed South Lodge to increase         architectural interest as well as changes to the area of the swale closest to South           Lodge so it now remains undeveloped’.


9.22   The comments conclude: ‘The amendments to the proposed overall layout and     detailing of houses closest to the Listed South Lodge are considered to be more      sympathetic to the setting of the Listed Buildings. These changes, which in         combination with the use of good quality materials, when submitted, would be    considered more appropriate to the setting of the Listed Buildings and there are no        further comments’.


9.23   In light of this advice and given that the principle of the development has been      established, it is considered that the appearance, layout and scale of the     development is now acceptable in heritage terms.


    iv. Impact on Highway Safety


9.24   Means of access was determined at outline stage at which time consideration was         given to the impact of trips on the wider network and also the visual impact of         creating new access points onto Tilehurst lane. Parking has been provided to meet    adopted car parking standards and is provided in a variety of forms throughout the       development. The Highways Officer has confirmed that there are no objections to        the proposed development subject to appropriate conditions.


    v. Residential Amenity


9.25 Saved Policy EN20 of the BFBLP seeks to protect the amenity of surrounding       properties. This policy requires the Council to have regard to ensuring that new   development does not adversely affect the amenity of surrounding properties and     adjoining areas.


          Existing Residents

9.26   The nearest residential properties are situated to the south of the site on the opposite    side of Tilehurst Lane. Those properties in Pond Place have a side to front     relationship with the proposed new development at a distance of over 28metres.   Given this degree of separation, and the intervening boundary screening along   Tilehurst Lane which is to be retained as part of the development, the site will be           developed without affecting the amenities of existing residents in terms of a loss of         light, loss of privacy or an overbearing impact.


          Future Occupiers

9.27   Overall the proposed layout provides the dwellings with an acceptable level of       amenity in terms of separation distances. Each house is provided with an enclosed garden area, and there is a limited amount of space around the flats, between it and     the swale feature, to serve these units.


9.28   Accordingly, the proposal is considered to preserve the amenities of both existing          and future occupiers and comply with Policy EN20 (g) of the BFBLP.


    vi. Landscaping and Trees


9.29   Concern has been expressed by local residents in respect of the impact of the      development on the existing hedgerow along Tilehurst Lane and this was a matter     that was considered in detail during the course of the appeal. In allowing the appeal     (known as Appeal A), and the conjoined appeal relating to the 53 unit scheme further east along Tilehurst Lane which was known as Appeal B, the Inspector recognised that    the introduction of development on this site would have an impact on the character        of Tilehurst Lane stating:


    ‘The most significant change would be through the introduction of the two proposed       accesses. This would necessitate the removal of about 30 metres of hedgerow. In       addition, to maintain visibility splays, the vegetation would need to be faced back up         to 2 metres for a length of about 71 metres for Appeal A and 80 metres for Appeal B. Furthermore, the proposed pedestrian accesses would require the removal of about          2 metres of vegetation, together with visibility splays.


          The visual appearance of this is shown in Mr Smith’s evidence for the appellant,   which shows that due to existing planting, and the proposal for additional planting,        the visual appearance of Tilehurst Lane would be little altered when viewed from east   and west. In addition, the pedestrian accesses would lead into open and planted          areas on Appeal A and would be near to garden areas on Appeal B, so that views of           the housing would be limited.


    It is true that the immediate area of the two vehicular accesses would change       significantly as shown in Mr Smith’s evidence. The loss of the hedgerow which contributes particularly to the character and appearance of the lane would cause        some harm. However, this would be for a limited distance, and has been planned to coincide with an existing area of partial vegetation. While houses would be visible           from both new accesses, planting within the appeal sites would ensure that in the longer term any effects would be reduced and would not be dissimilar to the existing    residential development on the opposite side of the road to Appeal Site A. Moreover,         the footway along the part of Tilehurst Lane opposite Appeal Site A is mainly set        behind existing hedgerows on the south side of the road where pedestrian views of       the site are limited’.


9.30   A detailed landscaping scheme has been submitted which indicates the retention of       all of the existing vegetation along the Tilehurst Lane frontage, other than that   required to be removed in order to create the access and accepted at appeal.


9.31   Native species planting is shown along the site’s boundaries however more colourful     species are shown within the site. These are not considered to be appropriate to the       site’s edge of settlement countryside location and the applicant has agreed to submit        plans showing more appropriate planting. Details of these will be provided via the   Supplementary Report. The verges are shown as being planted in accordance with the Council’s Streetscene Supplementary Planning Document in order to prevent           indiscriminate parking.


9.32   Details of boundary treatments are provided and show the use of brick walls in visually prominent locations within the streetscene.


9.33   The submitted details retain trees and hedges which are important to the character        and appearance of the landscape, and provide additional planting within the site          including use of native species street trees. On this basis, the landscaping of the site is          considered to be consistent with Policies EN1 and EN2 of the BFBLP.



vii.     Biodiversity


9.34   The Biodiversity Officer assessed the scheme as originally submitted and indicated        that amendments were required before the scheme could be considered to protect and         enhance biodiversity. The required changes related to the need for native species        planting, the inclusion of mammal access points within boundary fences and the     provision of details of the locations of the proposed log piles which are intended to    provide habitats for amphibians and reptiles.


9.35   Amended plans have been provided addressing these issues and it is now considered   that the proposed scheme is consistent with Policies CS1 and CS7 of the CSDPD, the      NPPF, Circular 06/05, the NERC Act 2006 and the Conservation of Habitats and       Species Regulations 2017.


viii.    Drainage


9.36   The issue of drainage was considered at outline application stage, with a drainage         strategy being submitted demonstrating that a development of 40 units on the site      could be appropriately drained. Conditions of the appeal decision require the   submission of a detailed drainage scheme in accordance with the agreed drainage     strategy, details of off-site works and connections and requiring a verification report           relating to the design and construction of any SuDS feature. These have been      submitted and are being considered under the terms of condition application 21/00089/COND. However the scale and location of the drainage features potentially          impact upon the layout of the proposed development and are therefore relevant to     the consideration of this application in that regard.


9.37   The Council’s Drainage Consultant has confirmed that the layout is acceptable in terms of allowing space for flood risk and drainage infrastructure.


9.38   Whilst 3no. swales are proposed close to dwellings along the frontage of the site, cross sections have been provided indicating that these are relatively shallow and will         not represent a risk to future occupiers.


Section showing depth of swale adjacent to Plot 10.


9.39   The main swale, set in the site’s south-east corner is enclosed by a gabion wall and a    900mm high timber post and 3 rail fence. Existing vegetation would be retained       beyond the swale along the site’s eastern edge.


9.40   In light of these considerations it is concluded that the proposed layout facilitates the      provision of the required SuDS features.


ix. Waste


9.41   The Council’s Waste and Recycling Officer has confirmed:


          ‘I have had a look at the plans and have no issues with the bin store for flats 37-40.        This is large enough for the bins required. All other properties must present bins to          the nearest adopted road or RCP on collection day and stored within the property         boundary at all other times’.


x. Affordable Housing


9.42   The s106 Agreement signed in respect of the outline permission requires the        submission of an Affordable Housing Scheme prior to the commencement of the   development, and secures the provision of these affordable units however does not specify the size or mix of these units which needs to be agreed under the terms of        this reserved matters application.


9.43   As originally submitted as part of this application, the mix of property sizes proposed      for affordable housing was considered unsatisfactory as it included a high proportion         of smaller properties, including flats, which did not reflect the market element which was made up of large three, four and five bedroom houses. As a result, the         proposed affordable housing did not meet the Council’s priority needs as set out in       the most recent Housing Needs Assessment which identifies that the main need for       shared ownership units is for smaller units (i.e. one and two bed homes) but that     the     most critical need for affordable rented housing is for larger units, with three and          four   bedroom properties in short very supply. 


9.44   The application has since been revised to offer the following housing mix, and the          Housing Enabling Officer has confirmed that this mix is now acceptable, as it delivers         all of the larger units for affordable rent:




Affordable Rent

Shared ownership

1 bed flats

1 Plot 40

2 (Plots 38 and 39)

1 bed flat M4(3)

1 (Plot 37)


2 bed flats

1 (Plot 36)

2 bed houses

2 (Plot 34 & 35)

3 bed houses

2 (Plots 19 and 20)

4 bed houses

1 (Plot 21)







    xi. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


9.45   Bracknell Forest Council introduced charging for its Community Infrastructure Levy        (CIL) on 6th April 2015.  CIL is applied as a charge on each square metre of new   development. The amount payable varies depending on the location of the    development within the borough and the type of development.


9.46 CIL applies to any new build (except outline applications and some reserved matters     applications that leave some reserved matters still to be submitted), including         extensions of 100 square metres of gross internal floor space, or more, or new build        that involves the creation of additional dwellings. It is considered that the       development would be CIL liable.





10.1   This is a reserved matters application following the granting of outline planning               permission on appeal. The application considers scale, layout, appearance and         landscaping. The development proposed is exclusively two storey and provides a     mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced units together with a small apartment      block. This accords with the form of development shown on indicative plans          considered at the appeal and the scale of development is considered to be acceptable as it respects local patterns of development consistent with Policy CS7 of the      CSDPD.


10.2   The layout achieves an appropriate relationship with Tilehurst Lane, with dwellings         being set back from the road frontage, behind the existing hedgerow, but facing it. A   footway within the site, provides appropriate connectivity across the site and into the Heritage Park which is located to the north of the proposed housing.


10.3   The internal access road, allows views across the site, to significant trees along its         northern edge, providing some connection to the countryside beyond. The use of        shared surfaces to the east and west of the central access spine, facilitates a more   informal access arrangement and maximises the opportunities for greening the   streetscene.


10.4   The design of the dwellings is traditional, with a high level of detailing and is          considered to be consistent with the local vernacular. Use of appropriate materials         can be secured by condition and parking is provided to standard. 


10.5   A detailed landscaping scheme has been submitted and further amendments to it have been agreed to increase the proportion of native species, non-ornamental planting. On         this basis, it is considered acceptable by the Landscape and Biodiversity Officers. The        proposed layout incorporates appropriate drainage features.


10.6 Revisions to the layout have been secured which are considered to reduce any     impact of the proposed development on the setting of adjacent listed buildings and it         is therefore considered that the proposed development complies with Development Plan Policies CS1 CS7, BFBLP 'Saved' Policy EN20 and M9, and the NPPF.





The application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


01.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance   with   the     following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority :

    Site Plan 212-105-P8

Site Plan – GF Plans 212-106 P6

212-207 P1 Affordable Housing

Plot 1 Plans 212-P201

Plot 1 Elevations 212-P202

Plot 2 Plans 212-P203

Plot 2 Elevations 212-P204

Plot 3 Plans 212-P205A

Plot 3 Elevations 212-P206

Plot 4 Plans 212-P207

Plot 4 Elevations 212-P208

Plot 5 Plans 212-P209

Plot 5 Elevations 212-P210A

Plot 6 Plans 212-P211

Plot 6 Elevations 212-P212

Plot 7 Plans 212-P213

Plot 7 Elevations 212-P214

Plots 8 and 9 Plans 212-P215

Plots 8 and 9 Elevations 212-P216

Plots 10 and 11 Plans 212-P217

Plots 10 and 11 Elevations 212-P218

Plot 12 Plans 212-P219

Plot 12 Elevations 212-P20

Plot 13 Plans 212-P221

Plot 13 Elevations 212-P222

Plot 14 Plans 212-P223

Plot 14 Elevations 212-P224

Plot 15 Plans 212-P225

Plot 15 Elevations 212-P226

Plots 16 and 17 Plans 212-P227

Plots 16 and 17 Elevations 212-P228

Plot 18 Plans 212-P229

Plot 18 Elevations 212-P230

Plots 19, 20 and 21 Plans 212-P231

Plots 19, 20 and 21 Elevations 212-P232

Plots 22 and 23 Plans 212-P233

Plots 22 and 23 Elevations 212-P234

Plots 24 and 25 Plans 212-P235

Plots 24 and 25 Elevations 212-P236

Plot 26 Plans 212-P237

Plot 26 Elevations 212-P238

Plot 27 Plans 212-P239

Plot 27 Elevations 212-P240

Plot 28 Plans 212-P241

Plot 28 Elevations 212-P242

Plot 29 Plans 212-P243

Plot 29 Elevations 212-P244

Plot 30 Plans 212-P245

Plot 30 Elevations 212-P246A

Plots 31, 32 and 33 Plans 212-P247

Plots 31, 32 and 33 Elevations 212-P248A

Plots 34 – 40 Plans 212-P249

Plots 34 – 40     Elevations 212-P250

Plots 34 – 40     Elevations 212-P251

Garage Plot 1 212-P252

Garage Plot 2 212-P253

Garage Plot 3 212-P254

Garage Plot 4 212-P255

Garage Plots 5 and 6 212-P256

Garage Plot 13 212-P257

Garage Plot 14 212-P258

Garage Plot 26 212-P259

Garage Plot 27 212-P260

Garage Plot 28 212-P261

Garage Plot 29 212-P262

Garage Plot 30 212-P263

Plot/Swale Interface Cross Sections ES.20.057 P1

Hard Landscape Proposals and Boundary Treatments Sheet 1 of 2  GL1701 03B

Hard Landscape Proposals and Boundary Treatments Sheet 2 of 2  GL1701 04B

Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 1 of 2 GL1701 01B

Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 2 of 2 GL1701 02B

REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


02.     No development above slab level shall take place until samples of the materials to         include bricks, tiles and surface materials, together with details of external porches and       other features to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the       development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the      Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with   the approved details.

          REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

          [Relevant Policies:  BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


03.     No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until the means of enclosure         associated with that unit have been implemented in accordance with the approved    details. The means of enclosure shall thereafter be retained and maintained.

          REASON: In the interests of the amenities of future occupiers.


04.     The garages hereby permitted shall contain a separately accessed storage room which           shall be thereafter retained as such. The remainder of the garage accommodation,   which shall have minimum dimensions of 6m (length) by 3.5m (width) by 2.4m (height),        shall be retained for the use of the parking of motor vehicles at all times.

          REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate parking in the       interests of highway safety.


05.     No development shall commence until details of the access roads within the site have    been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling         hereby permitted shall be occupied until that part of the access road which provides access to it has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

          REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

          [Relevant Policies: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


06.     No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until associated vehicle parking and      turning space has been provided in accordance with the approved site layout plan. The     spaces shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than parking and turning.
          REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate parking [and         turning] in the interests of highway safety.
          [Relevant Policies:  BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


07.     No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until means of access to it for       pedestrians and cyclists has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

          REASON: In the interests of accessibility and to facilitate access by pedestrians and      cyclists.

          [Relevant Policies:  BFBLP M6, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


08.     No dwelling shall be occupied until visibility splays of 2.0 metres by 2.0 metres have      been provided at the junction of the driveway and the adjacent         footway/carriageway.  The dimensions shall be measured along the edge of the drive      and the back of the footway/ edge of the carriageway from their point of       intersection.  The visibility splays shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions to          visibility over a height of 0.6 metres measured from the surface of the carriageway.

          REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

          [Relevant Policies: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


09.     The development hereby permitted shall not be begun until

(a)       details of the signing for the visitor parking spaces, and

(b)       a schedule for their provision linked to the occupation of dwellings within the associated part of the site,

have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The car parking spaces shall be provided and signed in accordance with the approved details and the spaces and signage shall thereafter be retained.

REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate car parking to prevent the likelihood of on-street car parking which would be a danger to other road users.

[Relevant Policies: SEP T4, BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


10.     The development hereby permitted shall not be begun until a plan showing visibility       splays has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.  The     visibility splays shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions to visibility over a height       of 0.6 metres measured from the surface of the adjacent carriageway.

          REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

          [Relevant Policies: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


11.     The car ports hereby approved shall be retained for the use of the parking of motor        vehicles at all times and, notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 Classes A and E of         Schedule 2 of the Town and Country (General Permitted Development) (England)         Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without      modification), no enlargements, improvements or alterations shall be made to the car        port, and no gate or door shall be erected to the front of the car port.
          REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate parking in the       interests of highway safety.
          [Relevant Policies:  BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]



12.     No development shall take place until details of the locations and infrastructure which    will be provided to enable at least 20% (1 in 5) of all residential and visitor parking        spaces to be readily adaptable to provide electric vehicle charging points have been    submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling      hereby permitted shall be occupied until the electric vehicle enabling infrastructure has          been provided in accordance with the approved details. The electric vehicle enabling           infrastructure shall thereafter be retained.

          REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate access to    electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the interests of sustainability.




01.     The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this      application by identifying matters of concern within the application (as originally         submitted) and negotiating, with the Applicant, acceptable amendments to the        proposal to address those concerns.  As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance           with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the    National Planning Policy Framework.


02. The applicant is advised that the following conditions require discharging prior to           commencement of development: 05, 09 10 and 12.

    The following condition requires discharging prior to development above slab level: 02.

    The following conditions require discharging prior to occupation: 03, 06, 07 and 08.

    The remaining conditions are required to be complied with but do not require the   submission of further details.


03.     Notwithstanding the wording of Bracknell Forest Council's Parking Standards SPD, the Building Regulations part S "Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles" 2021 edition takes effect on 15 June 2022 for use in England. It does not apply to work     subject to a building notice, full plans applications or initial notices submitted before        that date, provided the work is started on site before 15 June 2023. The applicant    should familiarise themselves with, and comply with, the requirements of this        document with regard to provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.